Orlando, FL

Orlando, FL. 321-246-1969
Orlando, FL
Orlando, FL. 321-246-1969
Does your bathtub or shower leak from a crack in the bottom?
Afraid you have to replace the bathtub or shower?
Do not wonder or be afraid anymore. Just contact Cracks & Chips, LLC at 321-246-1969!
With our expertise, we will repair your cracks and chips in one day. So do not let your granite, porcelain, acrylic tubs, cultured marble and fiberglass showers go unrepaired a moment longer. Cracks in your bathtub can cause a leak. Who wants that? Chips are ugly and do not feel good to sit or stand on.
You get 30 years of experience in repairing cracks and chips. We can expertly match, by eye, the color of your bathtub, shower, sink or counter top. Just think. No more ugly cracks or chips to look at. Best of all our work comes with a warranty.
We can remove rust for you. Ever had someone color their hair in your tub or sink and left a stain? We can remove dye stains also.
Repairing your cracks and chips or stains, will increase the value of your property. Cracks can cause your bathtub to leak. Chips they are ugly and bring down the value of your home. Our warranty stays with the house.
Let us fix the problems in your bathtub, shower, or counter top today.
Over 30 Years Experience.
(321) 246-1969